Monday, September 1, 2014

Do You Know a Mommy in Need?

I am currently searching for a Mommy in the Vancouver Lower Mainland, who is in need of baby girl clothes!  After my oldest daughter was born, I boxed up her old clothes and sold off something's to help get clothes for the next little age group but during a move everything else went missing!

When I found out the I was pregnant again with another girl, I began to go through some of the stuff that managed to stick around as a tagalong in random boxes but alas not enough.  I am currently 29 weeks pregnant and awaiting the arrival of my second daughter who should be making her much anticipated arrival on November 16th, 2014.

I was recently gifted ALOT of hand me downs from this amazing mother, Tanya Olivares, whose eldest child has been working with my husband within the DJ Industry! She collected some hand me downs from another mother and we just recently brought them all home.  I began washing, drying and sorting all of these clothing and it became very clear to me that there was enough clothes for two for at least the 1st 6 months. From receiving blankets, a snowsuit, onesies, pants, shirts, I'd like to find one mommy who could use this for their beautiful little girl!

Knowing my current situation, which I won't get into right now but I couldn't hold onto these clothes knowing how many moms are out there that could use some generosity! I will be compiling a list of items and pictures, but in the mean time if you are or know of a Mommy within the Vancouver Lower Mainland who is in need of some clothes, please send me an email at     and let me know your story! I'd love to help out a bunch of pregnant mommies but unfortunately I can only help out one mommy!

If you would like to join in and donate some clothes to help out a mommy in need, just send me an email!  Receiving these hand me downs meant the world to me and I'd love to pay it forward to someone else in need!

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