Friday, August 1, 2014

1571 km in a Car and We Still Love Each Other

Let's try this again! I really wanted to touch on the trip Ava and I took together.  We travelled from BC to SK in two days, that's over 1500 kilometers in a car with a 20 week pregnant me and a 5 year old anxious to see her Amma and Umpa, and most importantly, we arrived in one piece and we still love each other!
I spent a good week in the kitchen preparing food and making lists of everything that we needed.  We ate most of the food prepared before it got a chance to even make it to the cooler.  We had lists upon lists made for what we needed to pack, wish lists, things to entertain and things we just couldn't forget.
I've been flying with Ava since she was about 5 weeks old and so knock on wood; she's always been a great traveller.  I'm not sure if it was due to my need to narcotic need to control the situation but for every trip I brought everything I was positive we would need and everything I thought I might ever need! I packed for everything from hunger, boredom, to the plague.
Everyone has asked me, how was she? How did you do it?  3 simple things.. a portable DVD player, Nintendo DS and junk food! I brought every single DS game and these were packed in a bag that was right beside her.  Then we had her DVD player installed with a choice of 5 or 6 movies, these as well, were packed right beside her.  While everything  she would need was packed carefully beside her within reach to allow for her to still have independence and me not to have to stop the car to get her what she needed.  I also had all the chargers packed carefully in the front seat for me, both the charger that plugged into the cigarette lighter and the one to plug into the 115V.
A week before, I sat down with Ava and asked her to make a list of everything that she would want to snack on in the car while we drove, we had everything from Cheezies to Bear Claw Cookies, to Nibs. I bought her almost everything she asked for and this was packed in a box beside me, just so she didn't go crazy with everything right off the bat! We had sandwiches, water, pop, and juice all packed in a cooler in the back seat. Every time the situation seemed like it might turn hairy, I offered up a treat! By the time the treat was eaten and the movie was over or she was really starting to stir, it was time for our mandatory leg stretch!
I've been blessed with an amazing traveller and I'm really hoping baby girl no. 2 will be just as easy! Fingers Crossed! Our methods have always worked but that's just for us! I've gone crazy packing, unpacking and re-packing but I like to think at the end of the trip, it was all the small attention to detail that saved my sanity! Would I do it again... absolutely, but maybe not pregnant next time!
Revelstoke BC

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