Saturday, June 14, 2014

Parent Perks - Free Gift Bags for Vancouver Parents

A while ago, I stumbled upon this great little fan page on Facebook called Parent Perks - Free Gift Bags for Vancouver Parents. I do not remember how I managed to stumble across this page but I'm so glad that I have. Parent Perks are 100% Free gift bags to parents in Vancouver and Surrey/Langley areas.

Parent Perks is this super cool way for parents in the lower mainland to receive gift cards, coupons, samples and FULL sized products. I love that this small business is operated out of the living rooms of these super dedicated Parents!

I check in on this page almost daily to see what this one hard working mama in particular is up to each day and I see the boxes from sponsors begin stacking up in her living room. I love seeing what this company is up to and which sponsors Monika gets in touch with.

Joining Parent Perks is super easy and she has the list of requirements down, Like the page, join the mailing list and comment on the wall " I want my Parent Perks and you could win one of these highly sought after Gift Bags.  Of course, she does certain things to increase your chances of winning as these bags are only done twice a year and only 100 Bags at a time.   She has the "Likestravaganza", which basically sends you to each of the sponsors fan pages to "LIKE" their pages.  So many of these sponsors have free giveaways on a frequent basis, that you can enter to win some great prizes, and maybe learn about some great products and support other Parents.

So basically once these amazing bags are all assembled, she begins to release the Parent Perk bags, however, only 15 bags at a time, and at various pick up locations.  I was lucky enough to be chosen for the very first pick up!

Tomorrow, I will head down to Denman Street for the first pick up and I couldn't be more excited and honored to receive one of these bags!  Since it's the 1st time that I will have gotten one, I'm really curious to see all the products inside.  I'm thinking once all the bags are released, I will do a full product review on each of the products received in these bags with links to the sponsors!
For more information on Parent Perks and how you can get one of these amazing bags, check out their blog Parent Perks or find them on facebook and join the fun! Stayed tuned for my Vlog on the contents of this bag.

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